The Growing Threat of Repossessions

It is a fact of life that one person’s misfortune can be another persons opportunity, so any discussion about property finance has to include a quick consideration for what happens when things go wrong. When a property is repossessed it will inevitably end up in an auction, resulting in a lower price for the seller …

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Adverse Credit and Mortgages

unregulated been a lot of talk in the press about homeowners applying for mortgages with “[tags[adverse credit[/tags]”.  The popular press tends to concentrate on the problems this causes for for the applicant, but the issue of adverse credit applications creates problems for brokers and lenders too. The headlines have been caused by the recent problems …

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Secured Loans – Time to Regulate

During a recent speech the outgoing chief executive of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) publicly stated that he would like to see secured loans come within the regulatory umbrella of the FSA’s control. It was suggested that the current regulatory regime, with the office of fair trading (OFT) covering some consumer transactions, and not others …

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Bridging Loans Explained

Bridging loans can be used for almost any purpose so long as there is enough equity in the property.  The UK Bridging Loan market is estimated to be worth £2.5 billion and the demand for bridging loans is believed to be growing by 25% year on year.  Bridging finance can be made available for many …

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The Public Face of Bridging Finance

The [tag]Bridging Finance[/tag] market is reported to be currently worth about £2 billion per year, which would make it a significant part of the UK property finance market. Despite its size the [tag]Bridging[/tag] market is surprisingly under represented in the mainstream media. Bridging Finance is set to continue to be a major component in the …

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